Friday, May 30, 2008

Mt. biking tips

If you get into a fight with Mother Earth and proceed to lose, here are some tips to consider.

1. You will be sore the next day. Very sore. You may never figure out if those ribs are cracked or extremely bruised. It all hurts.

2. All of those tiny "scabs" you think you have along with the rest of the abrasions may actually be thorns. It is your job to determine which are scabs, which are thorns and which are freckles. Good luck with that.

3. The thought of hitting that same trail again will be a bit intimidating. Don't let her win. At the very least you can walk down that hill if need be. (I'll let you know tomorrow who wins, fear or bravery...sometimes known as stupidity if you are going too fast)

4. Most importantly, after a concussion, you are supposed to rest a lot. Sleeping with your 3 yo for the first two nights will NOT help you accomplish that. Put the little booger in his own bed and proceed to get some sleep. Well, maybe not that first night. You can sleep with him that night because someone would normally be waking you up every 2 hours to make sure you were still alive anyway. Yeh, they still recommend that even though one study showed it didn't really seem to make a difference. Of course being miserably tired the next day does seem to get you some extra sympathy. It's your call.

Hopefully this post will help you if you are ever stupid enough to not put the brakes on in a timely manner when mountain biking. Oh yeh, ALWAYS wear a helmet. I'm so thankful I did.

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