Sunday, May 11, 2008


Boring and uninspired. Wow, I finally get a moment to get on the computer and I can't think of anything worthwhile to say. What? I mean, I'm always full of advice and information, never without a word of wisdom. Oh yeh, here is a piece of wisdom. Never go visit other blogs before posting on your own. After you have cracked up, you realize every funny bone in your body must have exited with your snorts. Not that I truly snort when I laugh.

It's okay. Maybe today isn't a day for funny quips. Perhaps it's just a day for reflection. I'm loving the fact that Mr. P has asked me more than once if he can make me something for breakfast. I know you're thinking he's only doing that because it's Mother's Day. There are other days he does this, you know like Christmas and days his wife is psychotic. He's sweet. He loves me. That's all that matters. Four beautiful children who love me. The sun is shining. I'm not the one shoveling who knows what out of the back of that pickup truck across the field. Life is good. Maybe I'll get funny later. For now, I'm going to go feed the chickens.

Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

Memarie Lane said...

Considering his wife is psychotic most every day, I guess I shouldn't wonder why my husband never offers to cook me anything. ;)