Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Natural is bad?

So I was visiting my friend Mrs. Hannigan's blog. I just had to comment on her blog about sunscreen. I know some people who won't care for the title but get past that and read the blog. As I was commenting on it, I started to get angry about it. Maybe it's the fact that I had to yell at Peter to actually play with Edmund, not just read a book and pretend to be playing with him. Maybe I just have anger issues. I don't know. But the thought occurred to me that the world keeps trying to tell us that natural stuff is bad (like sunshine) while simultaneously feeding us crap that will kill us (like prepackaged foods). Can someone please tell me what is up with that?

It's all around us.

Stay out of the sun. Use chemicals on your skin if you have to be in the sun.
If you want some perspective on that, you can check out Dr. Mercola's website and search the word "sunshine" and get all sorts of articles on the subject.

Are you in a hurry? There are fast food joints every where. Just stop in, grab some food and go. Or go to the store and buy one of those prepackaged foods that you can just pop into the microwave oven. Hey, if you are going to the store anyway, what's wrong with buying fresh fruit or veggies? That is "fast food" too. Wash and eat. You don't even have to wash it but I like to. Shoot, just buy a cantalope, slice it open and eat the whole thing. That would be cheaper than a super sized "value meal" too. A heck of a lot healthier too.

And how about fluoride? In the natural form it good for you but you can't just get the natural stuff anywhere...it occurs in nature. Oh yeh, since we can't just get it anywhere, let's make a chemical version (or use an industrial by-product from the phosphate fertilizer industry), tell everyone how important it is and feed the chemicals to our children by putting it in our water. Do you want more information? The Fuoride Action Network can give you something to think about. Visit them here.

Perhaps if we didn't eat the sugar laden, preservative and additive laden foods that are being produced, we wouldn't need to worry about dental caries. They all look so pleasing to the eye and they taste so yummy, they just have to be good for you (the sugary food, not the dental caries). They say they have all of those chemicals vitamins and minerals in them. They just have to be good for you.

If you know how to google, you can look most anything up. All the info is out there. Just remember, before actually believing some of it, make sure you can verify it with some scientific research (good sites will give you links). Most of all, if someone is telling you that the natural stuff is bad and the man-made stuff is good, you had better think twice before believing it.

1 comment:

Lisa Russell said...

My favorite fluoride article is here... http://www.mothering.com/articles/growing_child/child_health/fluoride.html I hope that's clickable. I always thought it might be B.S. but I never realized it was dangerous until I saw this.