Thursday, July 24, 2008

Elite Club?

I am now officially part of an elite club. Oh yeh, I'm cool. (Do you hear me snickering in the background?) I'm part of the BGs. No we have nothing to do with the BeeGee's. Nothing in common at all, I'm sure. The BGs are the "Bad Girls".

Someone please run over and resuscitate my mother. Don't worry mom, we're not really bad at all...are we girls? Actually...I can't really remember why we are "The Bad Girls" except that I told them I wanted to blog about our time together but I knew no one wanted to be mentioned by name. I told them they had to come up with a pseudonym so I could freely talk about them. The Bad Girls it is. Wait, someone remind me why we are "bad". I forget.

So if you are not the writer, is pseudonym still the correct term? Inquiring minds want to know.

Twice a week I get to see some of the Bad Girls. Our children have lessons together and apparently I'm not allowed to tell you where we are having lessons or you may be able to figure out who some of the club members are. Does that make us a "secret club"? Ooooooh, this gets more intriguing all the time.

I decided everyone needs a club like ours to belong to. It's a safe place. We talk about everything from laundry to spiritual issues. Wait, no, I don't think we have discussed laundry yet but I know we have discussed mundane things before and laundry fits right in there. I guess we'll have to discuss laundry next week so that I won't be made into a liar. Someone remember that please.

The point was supposed to be (there was supposed to be a point?) about the importance of groups like these. Especially for the Homeschool Mommy who spends most, if not all, of her time with her children. We often don't have an outside career where we get adult interaction. Especially "safe time". That would be a time you can discuss issues, even disagreeing with each other, and not have to worry about being mistreated for your point of view. I so appreciate having intelligent discussions (or even non-intelligent ones) with other people who don't mind if I agree 100 percent or not.

So here's to the BGs! You gals are uplifting, inspiring and super-de-duper fun. Thanks for listening to my ramblings, checking in on my blog and for being my friends. Now, if I could only get you to come out of "lurkdom" and actually comment on my blog. Come on...just one little comment...I know you are there...


Lisa Russell said...

I'll comment, just so I can look cool. Because I'm not really in this club, but I bet I can guess who is. And simply denying that I'm in the club will make other people think I am even though I'm not, but I bet I could be, because I know who you are and I know where you live and I've got my eye on you. Whew, been hanging out with my kids too long. <3 ya

Mrs. Pevensie said...

You don't have to go to that place that I can't name because I'm under strict orders. You are definitely "in". How can you not be??? I so would hang out with you daily just to get my dose of "mommy reality" and humor. Thanks for being my friend!