Monday, June 23, 2008


I'll just do it this one time. Yeh. That's how most addictions start. It seems innocent enough. Only one time and never again. And as soon as you give in, you almost instantly regret it. That's how it started with me too.

Actually I blame a local grocery store. If it weren't for their "really great" cereal sale, I wouldn't be dealing with this now. They were selling boxes of additive and preservative laden really tasty cereal for only $1.79. What a deal! Do you know how much those boxes are normally? Like four bucks. Geesh.

Now if you have only known me for a short time, you might be saying, "So what's the big deal?" If you knew me...say four years might be saying, "Who are you and what did you do with Mrs. P?!" Because four years ago I was the mostly raw foodist who would never have let such atrocities cross my children's lips, much less my own. So WHAT HAPPENED?!

I don't know. All I know is that when I gave birth to Edmund, all of my will power came out with him. Actually that kid is the epitome of "will power". Well, in all fairness, I have seen worse children but compared to the first two, the more I had, the more ornery they got. Maybe that's why Mr. P said four was enough...actually he said two was enough but I somehow got two more out of the deal.

So with that being said, someone please help me with this addiction. I'm cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs!...but I can't take it anymore and neither can my hips. Feel free to comment with any tips you have. I know, I know, the first and most important tip is to not bring it into your house. Don't worry. I'm not buying any more of this stuff. After all, they only have this cereal sale once a year.

1 comment:

Jenny-Fair said...

Well, you know I don't believe in restricting food (because I think it leads to binging). I was going to tell you to feel free and use our cereal rule until I finally figured out you weren't complaining about the KIDS! lol. (our cereal rule: one box on your bday and at Christmas, the rest of the year eat something that doesn't cost four bucks a meal-since my kids can eat a whole box in one sitting)